Sleep and Wellness Magazine caught up with Hall of Fame defensive back Mike Haynes at the Living Heart Foundation player screening event in Detroit. He shared his personal experience at a similar event fifteen years ago. That event changed his life because his blood test indicated an elevated PSA. Fortunately, his primary care doctor had kept a baseline of his PSA tests, and a biopsy confirmed he had prostate cancer in the early stages. Mike has beaten the 5-year survival rate. Based on his zest for life, exercise regime, and respect for his body, Mike will be attending screening events for many years to come.

Mike also mentioned that the prostate cancer rate is higher for African Americans. According to "The burden of prostate cancer has a remarkably disproportionate distribution across racial groups. For example, in the USA, African Americans are twice as likely as individuals of European ancestry to develop or die from prostate cancer, and have a more aggressive disease nature at diagnosis."* Mike added that men should know the early signs of prostate cancer which include painful ejaculation.
Exact Sciences was also at the event, and they are working on a blood test that screens for multiple cancer types. The initial test results have been very positive for six cancer types. Exact Sciences currently offers Cologuard, which is a non-invasive screening for colon cancer.